Making Skincare Safer and Easier

Designing an app to personalize your skincare routine at the point of purchase

How do I know it’s safe?

For the first project in my Design Thinking class, my partner and I were tasked with designing an app to address this question. We focused on skincare because the number of products on the market, each with their own formulation, is overwhelming and everyone’s skin is unique—what works wonders for one person will make another person’s skin burn, itch, or even peel off. Who hasn’t bought a product at the store only to realize it’s wrong for you once you’re home? We set out to create an app that would make it easier at the point of purchase to find the right product.

Throughout the process, I strengthened my skills in qualitative research methods, learned new techniques to approach analysis (e.g., affinity mapping and storyboarding), and utilized design tools such as wire framing and Figma.

See the final presentation below:


Booking Outdoor Experiences Online